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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Cedar Springs, MI & Surrounding Areas


A coach can be the most influential person in a child’s life.

In AYSO, Positive Coaching is a fundamental philosophy because of the crucial role that a coach has. Coaching in AYSO is a chance to spend quality time with your own child as well as to provide an important role model for all the children on your team. In fact, the joy of coaching is so meaningful, that many AYSO coaches continue coaching long after their own children have moved on from AYSO. Soccer knowledge is a plus, but AYSO provides training and materials so that even a soccer novice can coach effectively by starting in the younger age divisions.

Being a coach involves skills you probably already have in addition to specific soccer knowledge. If you are uncertain, try being an assistant coach. Our region's Coach Administrator will be happy to try to match you up with somebody with a little more experience.


If you have any questions, please reach out to the Coach Administrator, Kristina Hamilton, at [email protected].


Thank you, Coaches, for all you do for our Region and our Players!



Division Required Coach Certification* Add'l Required Certification
Schoolyard Playground/Schoolyard Leader Safe Haven & SafeSport
6U Coach CDC Concussion Awareness
6U 6U Coach Safe Haven & SafeSport
CDC Concussion Awareness
8U 8U Coach Safe Haven & SafeSport
CDC Concussion Awareness
10U 10U Coach Safe Haven & SafeSport

CDC Concussion Awareness
12U 12U Coach Safe Haven & SafeSport

CDC Concussion Awareness
14U Intermediate Coach Safe Haven & SafeSport
CDC Concussion Awareness
AYSO Laws of the Game
16U/19U Advanced Coach Safe Haven & SafeSport
CDC Concussion Awareness
AYSO Laws of the Game

* Please note that the coach certification required for Age Divisions through 12U are standalone certifications, meaning the training for the prior Age Divisions is not required to obtain certification for that Age Division. Beginning with Intermediate Coach, the required coach certification requires not only the training for that Age Division but also the training for the preceding Age Division.  For example, a 14U Coach must obtain certification in 12U Coach prior to obtaining Intermediate Coach.


The AYSO Coaching Program is designed to develop good soccer players who have a positive image of themselves, their teammates, coaches, game officials, and opponents. Coaches are expected to set the best example for the participants. Coaches are expected to maintain the highest standards of conduct and good sportsmanship at all times.

1. Coaches will always make safe instruction, development of skills, teamwork, good sportsmanship and a fun environment the principal goals of the team.

2. Coaches will always treat their players with kindness and patience. They will commit to building players self-confidence and ability through positive direction and good sportsmanship. Sideline participation shall be limited to positive instruction and encouragement. Excessive coaching from the sidelines is strongly discouraged.

3. Coaches will always play by the rules of the game.

4. Coaches will recognize that children learn differently and will do their best to meet each player's needed.

5. Coaches will never lose their temper. Offensive, insulting or abusive language is forbidden.

6. Coaches will always treat their fellow coaches with respect and cooperation.

7. To the best of their ability, coaches will communicate clearly to players and parents about the team's goals and expectations.

8. Upon team formation, coaches must have in his/her possession a player registration form for each player assigned to the team, during team gatherings, practices, scrimmages, and games.

9. Coaches will never openly complain about or demean other coaches or players. Complaints will be directed to the Coach Administrator or Regional Commissioner.

10. Negative comments and complaints about refereeing shall not be allowed. Complaints regarding a referee should be directed to the Referee Administrator after the game.

11. At the end of the game, coaches and their players will line up and shake hands with the players of the opposing team and thank the referees.

12. Coaches understand that fair playing time and the overall self-esteem of the players is a higher priority than the outcome of the game.


Volunteer Application
Every volunteer (coach, referee, board member, team parent, etc.) must submit a Volunteer Application each year through the AYSO Sports Connect system.  The application is delivered to AYSO National Headquarters for an annual background check, which screens for volunteers’ suitability to work with our participants.  These background checks will be performed by a contracted 3rd party vendor, Verified Volunteers. In order to complete the background screenings, volunteers must set up an account within the Verified Volunteers system. A link to setup this account will be received by the volunteer via an email from Verified Volunteers. Please do not ignore this email.  It is only after setting up the account with Verified Volunteers and authorizing the background screening will the background check take place.  Once the results of the background check are received by National and by Region 902, the volunteer will be evaluated for the volunteer positions selected.  

Training Requirements
In addition to the annual Volunteer Application and Background Check, there are certain training requirements that must be completed by all volunteers. 

1) AYSO's Safe Haven 
All volunteers in Region 902 must complete the AYSO Safe Haven course before they are allowed to participate in any Region 902 activities.  This course can be completed online through AYSO's learning platform, eTrainU, under the "Safe Haven Courses" tab.  
All volunteers are required to complete this prior to receiving team contact information and prior to holding team practice, so please complete the course at your earliest convenience.

2) SafeSport 
All volunteers 18 and older must complete the SafeSport training course before they are allowed to participate in any Region 902 activities.  This course can be completed online through the volunteer's account by navigating to the Volunteer tab and clicking on the link above the volunteer's name.  
All volunteers are required to complete this prior to receiving team contact information and prior to holding team practice, so please complete the course at your earliest convenience.

3) CDC Concussion Awareness
All coaches/referees are required to complete this online course ANNUALLY.  The Concussion Awareness training can be completed online through the eTrainU platform.  Once you have successfully completed the course, your certification record will be updated.

4) Simon's Heart Sudden Cardiac Arrest
All coaches/referees are required to complete this online course.  The Sudden Cardiac Arrest training can be completed online through the eTrainU platform by navigating to the Safe Haven courses section in the system.  Once you have successfully completed the course, your certification record will be updated.

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Contact Us

Cedar Springs AYSO Region 902

13440 Ritchie Avenue, PO Box 667
Cedar Springs, Michigan 49319

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 616-255-1962
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