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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Cedar Springs, MI & Surrounding Areas


Q: What is the National Player Fee and how often do I need to pay that?
A: The player fee ($20.00 for Fall 2023/Spring 2024) goes directly to the National AYSO office.  This covers soccer accident insurance, and it acts as your player's membership fee.  It is an annual fee, so you only pay it once per Fall/Spring membership year.

Q. I am struggling to find the funds for my child to play soccer this season.  Is there any financial assistance available?
A. Yes, there is a scholarship program available for AYSO Core and VIP soccer players.  The Red Hawk Warrior Scholarship covers the cost of a player's regional registration fees for one season, leaving the family left to cover only the $20 AYSO National Fee and the $2.75 Sports Connect transaction fee.  The scholarship is available in limited quantities each season and will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis.  For those in need of assistance, please reach out directly to the region at [email protected].

Q: What does my child need to play soccer?

A: Shin guards (required), soccer cleats (recommended but not required), a soccer ball (see below), and water at each practice & game.

Age DivisionBall Size

Q: When I registered my player, I saw the option for SecureFee Plus Registration Cancellation Insurance. What is this?
A: SecureFee Plus registration insurance is optional coverage that allows a registrant to be reimbursed for unused registration fees if certain events prevent them from participating in the registered season. Limitations do apply, so you should read what is covered and not covered before purchasing the coverage. Funds to not come from AYSO Region 902, and we are not involved in the claims process if that route is taken. To learn more about the coverage, click here.

Q: Can I request a coach for my child?

A: Because we adhere to the AYSO Philosophy "Balanced Teams," we do not guarantee coach requests.  If your child has specific needs, we will try to pair a coach that meets those needs.

Q: Can I have my child on the same team as his/her friends?
A: "Balanced Teams" means we place players on teams based on evaluated skill levels, player size, years of experience, etc.  Our goal is to have teams within each Age Division as closely matched in overall ability as possible. That is why we do not encourage or guarantee requests for players to be placed on the same team as their friends.   

Q: When will I know what team my child is on?
A: Once registration closes, we form teams.  After teams are formed and we know they are final, we have coaches contact players.  This typically happens a couple weeks before the first practice.

Q. What night(s) will my child have practice?
A. Each coach sets the night(s) for their practices, so the answer to this question will vary by team.  Practices for Region 902 are typically held Monday - Thursday, with the earliest practices starting at 5:00 pm.  Most practices are over no later than 8:00 pm.

Q. Is my child allowed to wear jewelry while participating in AYSO soccer?
A. No - All items of jewelry (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather bands, rubber bands, etc.) are forbidden and must be removed. Using tape to cover jewelry is also not permitted.  These policies are in place for the safety of our players and are in accordance with FIFA's Laws of the Game.

Q. If my child injures themselves and must wear a cast or splint, can they still participate in practices and games?
A. The safety of our players is of utmost importance to our program. As such, we abide strictly by the AYSO National Rules & Regulations for player equipment and safety practices.  Those rules dictate that players are not allowed to practice or participate in any match with any type of cast or splint. In addition, removal of any type of cast or splint at the field or surrounding area in order to participate shall disqualify the team member from practice or match participation.

Q. If my child plays soccer in both the fall and spring seasons, will they receive a new uniform for each season?
A. As a rule, No*, if your player played in the fall season, they will not receive a new uniform for the spring soccer season.  We provide new uniforms to all of the players at the start of the new membership year, which is our fall season.  Returning players for the spring season will reuse their uniform, as we try to keep those teams together and add new players to those teams as needed.  Only the new players for the spring season will need a new uniform for whichever team they join, as they do not have a uniform from the fall. 

Q. May I customize my child's uniform by adding a special character, their name, a sponsor's name, etc?
A. No, you may not customize or otherwise alter your player's uniform if they wish to participate in AYSO games. AYSO National has strict uniform requirements by which all regions must abide. A child's name may not appear anywhere visible on their uniform. No additional emblems or characters may be added to your player's uniform. Any businesses wishing to sponsor the region may reach out to the AYSO Region 902 board to discuss.

* The only exceptions to this rule are (1) if your player moves up to the next Age Division in the Spring season and needs a new jersey for their new team, or (2) if your player has outgrown their Fall uniform and you pay the $25 fee for a new uniform. 

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Cedar Springs AYSO Region 902

13440 Ritchie Avenue, PO Box 667
Cedar Springs, Michigan 49319

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 616-255-1962
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